Monday, January 25, 2010

72. Kristen Bell - Ethically erotic

"Dating makes me want to vomit. And not out of grossness - okay, a little bit out of grossness - but mainly just nerves."
One of the few women in the universe to have worked with Russell Brand and not actually slept with him, after filming the sex scenes in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, she called him “kind, protective and sweet”. She obviously wasn't with him for long.

Kristen has been a vegetarian since she was 11 and describes herself as a serial monogamist. She has, however promised that on her wedding night she will wear the uniform from her old Catholic high school. The minx.

Kristen’s other superpower, of course is electrocuting people in Heroes. Her sexy static and blonde bombshell beauty makes more than our hair stand on end.

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